The Rootstock by Dee Len

The Rootstock
by Dee Len

Genre: Light Read

Written and narrated by Dee Len
Copyright ©2017 by Dee Len



Kerry had been sent to and then ill treated at the orphanage, a place where she should have been nurtured and loved, however one day there was someone, who eventually realised very often a person can still have natural talents that even prolonged persecution ... cannot destroy.


The author has indicated this work contains some adult content. This is how we advise authors about adult content.



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about the author

I stopped working full time approximately ten years ago and like all major life changes, it took time to find myself again. For a couple of years I did part-time work and played with colouring, drawing and even studying wild flowers, but not very successfully, I have to admit, until a very close friend challenged me to write.

I loved everything about it, choosing names for the characters, researching plots and building emotions from all of life's little gems. Back then I never believed anyone would ever listen to my stories but now I hope that they will, moreover enjoy the experience and like me want to keep coming back.


listener reviews

A new beginning by Jean Ottaway on 19 September 2017

A story of a young girl and how quickly life can change; unexpectedly everything is different and she is misunderstood. By a complete stranger Kerry is given a chance to become the person she was always meant to be. A new life and the opportunity to blossom. A beautiful delicate story that touches all emotions.

Rating: 10/10