Artifice: Chapters 2 to 5 of 39 by Eric Bickernicks

Artifice Cover imageArtifice: Chapters 2 to 5 of 39
by Eric Bickernicks

Genre: Comedy

Written by Eric Bickernicks
Copyright ©2017 by Eric Bickernicks



Chapter 02 - Home
Chapter 03 - Artist Loft
Chapter 04 - Art Gallery
Chapter 05 - Moaning Lisa Bistro

Animated Audiobook trailer:

Start at chapter one to get the entire spiel:

The author has indicated this work contains some adult content. This is how we advise authors about adult content.



Review it!

Listen next: Artifice: Chapters 6 to 11 of 39 by Eric Bickernicks

about the author

Story first...screw genre. C'mon, how much literary 'pizza and beer' can one consume? (I guess a lot) Hello obscurity. #nonconformist.

Author website:

Thanks for the positive feedback so far! It's incredibly difficult to find ANYBODY who wants to take a crack at my story. (and it's friggin' FREE) This whole "new voice for every character" was a big question in my mind. Since the book is in first person, I wanted to "perform" it in a conversational style. I wanted it to sound like I'm TELLING you this story, verses pontificating from a written page.

David Sears: re: letting let down. I got ya covered baby! You just watch! (listen...I mean) 🙂


listener reviews

The story continues...rather nicely in fact by David Sears on 31 May 2017

Well after the personal acknowledgement how can I fail to review the next few chapters?! Seriously though, I'm not exercising any bias when I say that this story continues in much the same manner as it started - witty, enlightening (I'm actually learning something about the art world, wow!) and enticing. Next please 🙂

Rating: 10/10