Bibliophone Matchmaker Story Upload

author: welcome to the BIBLIOPHONE matchmaker.

This is the place to upload your written story to the matchmaker boards. Just fill in the form below, attach your masterpiece, and we’ll proudly display it on our boards within 24 hours.

If you already have a story in audio format to upload, you’ve come to the wrong place! Don’t worry, just click here and you’ll be right where you want to be.

But if you’re looking to find a free narrator to breathe magic into your written words with the power of speech, continue below. And don’t forget to read the terms of use which apply to the BIBLIOPHONE matchmaker service in addition to our regular terms.


    First name* This is the forename which will be attributed to your work.

    Last name* This is the surname which will be attributed to your work.

    Your email* We won't publish this but we WILL send it to any narrators who ask to view your work.

    What is the title of your work?* We'll use upper and/or lower case depending on what you use here.

    Synopsis* This is your chance to entice a potential narrator. Just drag the bottom right corner if you need more space.


    What's this about?

    Word count* It's important to tell us how many words your story contains so that it gets assigned to the right category page.

    Upload your story* Upload your story using the file uploader below. We currently accept Word and PDF documents.

    I agree to the BIBLIOPHONE matchmaker terms* Please make sure you read the terms of the BIBLIOPHONE matchmaker service here. By checking the box you confirm your acceptance of the terms.