The Dance by Dee Len

The Dance
by Dee Len

Wordcount: 985
Genre: Fantasy


Harry is lonely and browbeaten by his five sisters, but there is one thing in his life he loves more than anything … if only that one thing was within his reach .. he dreams of nothing else … one day!

First 500 words:

Harry Norris lived with his Mother and five sisters, he was the youngest of the family and a quiet unassuming child, who soon became the object of his siblings torment and unrelenting provocation.

However, this constant intimidation eventually had the effect of isolating him, particularly from girls of his own age. His only release being his passion for dancing. So much so that he always wanted to jig whenever he heard music playing, most typically rock ‘n’ roll. Yet, despite this or the fact that there was always a customary dance held at the Town Hall once a fortnight, he had never been.

Money was the main problem, he only earned paperboy wages and half of that was given for housekeeping, leaving nothing for luxuries but he yearned to join in with the crowd that waited outside those huge dance floor doors.

Sometimes he actually allowed himself to pretend he was going, even dressing up for the occasion, standing and looking at his reflection in the mirror, copying his sisters to check his clothes were just right.

It wasn’t the best of mirrors, scratched in places, with a bulge in the middle, that stretched the image somewhat but it was all they had and better than any shop window.

Tonight was dance night, Harry checked his reflection before heading off but before he could get out of the house, he had to pass between Daisy and Rita sitting on the front door step, he expected the ritual sarcasm and wasn’t mistaken:-

“Oh, look, there goes, our little bro, the midnight gigolo”

Rita chanted loudly so she would be heard by neighbouring revellers, Harry blushed scarlet, wishing (not for the first time) he could walk beneath the pavement, unseen. Nevertheless this rather bizarre habit carried on for several months and was becoming rather boring. Even Daisy and Rita stopped getting any pleasure from taunting him … until things changed in an very unexpected way.

It was poor Patsy who had become ill with Glandular fever.

She had been feeling tired for weeks, more than that, totally exhausted, but she kept going, trying to work it off…after all… she had bought a ticket for the next Saturday’s dance and she didn’t want to miss it, but with only one day to go she finally ground to a halt.

Harry had been the first to knock on her bedroom door and sit beside her bed, she looked so small laying there, her long hair tangled and knotted from her disturbed sleep.

She smiled at him, when she woke up…

“You Shouldn’t be in here Harry” she murmured, “I don’t want you to catch anything.”

“I’ll stay over here” Harry replied “I’ll be alright.”

Patsy sighed heavily, so tired.

“Harry” She whispered “Would you like to go to the dance tonight?”

Harry was speechless as he sat watching Patsy sleep, he couldn’t believe what she had said, how could he think about going there while she was so unwell.


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